So-Bad Review

Custom Seat made by Atelier Cherry

time 2013.12.19 view 183 Views
Posted by in Harley Custom

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仕上がりは、ご覧の通り… 威風堂々と申しましょうか、何ら不自然さが全く無い。
それにも関わらずのこの仕上がり… 本当に頼もしい限りです。

For our company, this is an unusual all-leather custom seat.
This time, I asked my old friend Atelier Cherry to manufacture the seat.
As you can see, this finish… is a majestic work of art that looks completely natural.
But even so, as it was based on my very own created design,
it must have been a first time experience for him in handling this type of design.
Regardless of this, the finished product… really gives me great confidence.
The work of Japanese craftsmen, who take great pride in their own work, is truly amazing!!

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