So-Bad Review

BAD LAND : World-Wide Share System!!

time 2013.12.21 view 105 Views
Posted by in Harley Custom


[ BAD LAND CUSTOM JOURNAL in facebook group ]

This group’s objective is to share with HD User all over the world latest information about all types of industries related to HD Custom and HD Custom Scene, HD information from the general users and other useful information.

[What to post]
■ Latest HD Custom, HD Custom Parts.
■ HD apparel generalities.
■ The things you like at custom and a photo with your beloved HD.
■ Everyday working landscapes, touring and other photos.
■ Events, meetings and other information.
■ Other general information about the other HD.
■ We recommend you to post photos with a minimum size of 1200×800 pixels.

* The photos and other information posted on this group can also be presented from time to time on BAD LAND’s facebook page, as well as on BAD LAND Official Blog Site : SO-BAD REVIEW.

[Posting terms, conditions and rules]
■ One person or one company can post up to three time per day.
■ Please always post your own photos or information.
■ You can also attach an advertising link / description.
■ Please note that, when posting articles on BAD LAND’s facebook page or BAD LAND Official Blog Site : SO-BAD REVIEW, principles / company name / organization or personal name it is also posted in the shared link.
■ It is assumed you have agreed that the group manager can freely disclose/ make public on BAD LAND’s facebook page or BAD LAND Official Blog Site : SO-BAD REVIEW the photos and other information posted on this group, in order to fulfill the purpose of this group.
■ Please acknowledge it beforehand the when is observed any conduct against the terms and conditions of this group or against its rule results in elimination from group or withdrawal from the group.
