So-Bad Review

Harley TWIN CAM Softail : BL CHOPPER !!

time 2014.01.25 view 300 Views
Posted by in Harley Custom

01a 15

御費用の面で、大きく手を入れる事は出来ませんでしたが、それでも彼はボクの前に百万円の札束×2.5束をボンと置いてそう云いました。その時の真っすぐな彼の目は今でも忘れる事が出来ません。こう云ったオーダーはこちらとしても大いに燃えるモノでありまして、即刻車両探しから着手を致しました。長距離の移動を考えつつ、それでも弊社にカスタムのご依頼を頂いた以上は、御費用云々に関係無く、とにかく最高の仕上がりにてお渡しをさせて頂くのが我々のモットーであります。 例えばどこかのパーキングに入る際、明らかなるオーラを放ちつつ等々。。。目一杯の気持ちを込めて造らさせて頂いたこちらのカスタム… あれからもう3年程の時間が経過致しておりますが、O君、君の旅は、今でも続いているのかっ!!??

“I want to ride across Japan on a Harley!!”
Although his budget didn’t allow us much room to work our custom magic, but the above is what he told us as he laid down wads of two and a half million yen. I will never forget the determination in his eyes. Orders like these really get us fired up, so we got started right away by looking for what would become the base of this custom model. We had to consider the long distances we’d have to travel to find it, but it is our motto that when you choose us to make your custom models, we will deliver you the best, regardless of your budget. For example, something that has an aura of its own when you enter into that parking lot… We have put our heart and soul into creating this custom model… it’s been 3 years since then, and who knows, maybe Mr. O is still on his journey!!??

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