So-Bad Review

The Flame of Passion : From BL Factory

time 2013.09.07 view 181 Views
Posted by in InSide BAD LAND

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必然と称するカタチや曲線を追い求め、日々、我々は金属を相手の格闘を続けております。それぞれの作業に黙々と取り組む弊社スタッフ。最近では、その姿がだんだんと修行僧の様に見えて参りまして… 何れに致しましても、「妥協」すなわち「己の負け」となる世界でありますから、工場の稼働時間中は、常に命懸けの真剣勝負が繰り広げられている訳なのであります。

Every day, with metal as our opponent, we struggle to achieve the shapes and curved lines found in nature . The sight of our staff working diligently on their assigned tasks, has recently seemed like the disciplined practice of aesthetic monks. Either way, this is a world which leads to compromise; that is, “the loss of self”. That is why our staff are constantly putting their lives on the line as they engage earnestly in their work.

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